The members as of the publication are underlined.
= paper;
= report;
= proceeding;
= explanation;
= book.
KAWABE M., S. FUJIO, D. YANAGIMOTO, and K. TANAKA: Water masses and currents of deep circulation southwest of the Shatsky Rise in the western North Pacific. Deep-Sea Research I, 56, 1675-1687, 2009. [doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2009.06.003]
KATO F. and M. KAWABE: Volume transport and distribution of deep circulation at 165oW in the North Pacific. Deep-Sea Research I, 56, 2077-2087, 2009. [doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2009.08.004]
UENO H., H. J. FREELAND, W. R. CRAWFORD, H. ONISHI, E. OKA, K. SATO, and T. SUGA: Anticyclonic eddies in the Alaskan Stream. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39, 934-951, 2009. [doi:10.1175/2008JPO3948.1]
OKA E., K. TOYAMA, and T. SUGA: Subduction of North Pacific central mode water associated with subsurface mesoscale eddy. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L08607, doi:10.1029/2009GL037540, 2009.
KOMAKI K. and M. KAWABE: Deep-circulation current through the Main Gap of the Emperor Seamounts Chain in the North Pacific. Deep-Sea Research I, 56, 305-313, 2009. [doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2008.10.006]
OKA E.: Seasonal and interannual variation of North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water in 2003-2006. Journal of Oceanography, 65, 151-164, 2009. [doi:10.1007/s10872-009-0015-y]
KAWABE M., Y. KASHINO and Y. KURODA: Variability and linkages of New Guinea Coastal Undercurrent and Lower Equatorial Intermediate Current. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 38, 1780-1793, 2008. [doi:10.1175/2008JPO3916.1]
KAWABE M.: Vertical and horizontal eddy diffusivities and oxygen dissipation rate in the subtropical Northwest Pacific. Deep-Sea Research Part 1, 55, 247-260, 2008. [doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2007.12.003]
KAWABE M.: The Kuroshio variations and the Kuroshio climate system. Kaiyo Monthly, 39, 683-689, 2007.
YANAGIMOTO D. and M. KAWABE: Deep-circulation flow at mid-latitude in the western North Pacific. Deep-Sea Research Part 1, 54, 2067-2081, 2007. [doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2007.09.004]
KOMAKI, K and M. KAWABE: Correction method for full-depth current velocity with lowered acoustic Doppler current profiler (LADCP). Journal of Oceanography, 63, 995-1007, 2007. [doi:10.1007/s10872-007-0083-9]
KOMAKI, K and M. KAWABE: Structure of the upper deep current in the Melanesian Basin, western North Pacific. La mer, 45, 15-22, 2007. [La mer]
UENO, H., E. OKA, T. SUGA, H. ONISHI, and D. ROEMMICH: Formation and variation of temperature inversions in the eastern subarctic North Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L05603, doi:10.1029/2006GL028715, 2007.
OKA, E., L. D. TALLEY and T. SUGA: Temporal variability of winter mixed layer in the mid- to high-latitude North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography, 63, 293-307, 2007. [doi:10.1007/s10872-007-0029-2]
ISOGUCHI O., H. KAWAMURA and E. OKA: Quasi-stationary jets transporting surface warm waters across the transition zone between the subtropical and the subarctic gyres in the North Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, C10003, doi:10.1029/2005JC003402, 2006.
KAWABE M., D. YANAGIMOTO and S. KITAGAWA: Variations of the deep western boundary currents in the Melanesian Basin in the western North Pacific. Deep-Sea Research Part 1, 53, 942-959, 2006. [doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2006.03.003]
KAWABE M., D. YANAGIMOTO, S. KITAGAWA and Y. KURODA: Variations of the deep western boundary current in Wake Island Passage. Deep-Sea Research Part 1, 52, 1121-1137, 2005. [doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2004.12.009]
FUJIO, S. and D. YANAGIMOTO: Deep current measurements at 38oN east of Japan. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, C02010, doi:10.1029/2004JC002288, 2005.
SENJYU. T., Y. ISODA, T. ARAMAKI, S. OTOSAKA, S. FUJIO, D. YANAGIMOTO, T. SUZUKI, K. KUMA and K. MORI: Benthic front and the Yamato Basin Bottom Water in the Japan Sea. Journal of Oceanography, 61, 1047-1058, 2005. [doi:10.1007/s10872-006-0021-2]
NAGANO, A. and M. KAWABE: Coastal disturbance in sea level propagating along the south coast of Japan and its impact on the Kuroshio. Journal of Oceanography, 61, 885-903, 2005. [doi:10.1007/s10872-006-0007-0]
KAWABE, M.: Variations of the Kuroshio in the southern region of Japan: Conditions for large meander of the Kuroshio. Journal of Oceanography, 61, 529-537, 2005. [doi:10.1007/s10872-005-0060-0]
TAIRA, K., D. YANAGIMOTO and S. KITAGAWA: Deep CTD casts in the Challenger Deep, Mariana Trench. Journal of Oceanography, 61, 447-454, 2005. [doi:10.1007/s10872-005-0053-z]
KAWABE, M., S. FUJIO and A. NAGANO: Kuroshio monitoring system (in Japanese). Kaiyo Monthly, 36, 38-43, 2004.
NAGANO, A. and M. KAWABE: Monitoring of generation and propagation of the Kuroshio small meander using sea levels along the southern coast of Japan. Journal of Oceanography, 60, 879-892, 2004. [doi:10.1007/s10872-005-5780-7]
TAIRA. K., S. KITAGAWA, T. YAMASHIRO and D. YANAGIMOTO: Deep and bottom currents in the Challenger Deep, Mariana Trench, measured with super-deep current meters. Journal of Oceanography, 60, 919-926, 2004. [doi:10.1007/s10872-005-0001-y]
YANAGIMOTO, D.: Observing current and temperature in the Japan Sea and the north Pacific using profiling floats (in Japanese). Kaiyo Monthly, Extra 36, 52-59, 2004.
OTOBE, H. K. TAIRA, S. KITAGAWA, T. ASAI and K. HANAWA: Variability of upper ocean heat balance in the Shikoku Basin during the Ocean Mixed Layer Experiment (OMLET). Journal of Oceanography, 59, 619-627, 2003. [doi:10.1023/B:JOCE.0000009591.44312.37]
KAWABE M., S. FUJIO and D. YANAGIMOTO: Deep-water circulation at low latitudes in the western North Pacific. Deep-Sea Research Part 1, 50, 631-656, 2003. [doi:10.1016/S0967-0637(03)00040-2]
OKA, E. and M. KAWABE: Dynamic structure of the Kuroshio south of Kyushu in relation to the Kuroshio path variations. Journal of Oceanography, 59, 595-608, 2003. [doi:10.1023/B:JOCE.0000009589.28241.93]
YANAGIMOTO, D. and K. TAIRA: Current measurements of the Japan Sea Proper Water and the intermediate water by ALACE floats. Journal of Oceanography, 59, 359-368, 2003. [doi:10.1023/A:1025572112019]
KAWABE, M.: Study on variations of current path and transport of the Kuroshio (in japanese; abstract in English). Oceanography in Japan, 12(3), 247-267, 2003. [CiNii]
KASHINO Y., M. KAWABE, Y. KURODA, W. ZENK, T. J. MULLER: Variability of the New Guinea Coastal Undercurrent and water property of the Antarctic Intermediate Water. Report of Japan Marine Science and Technology Center, 46, 67-79, 2002 (with English title, abstract, and legends). [JAMSTEC]
YAMASHIRO, T. and M. KAWABE: Variations of the Kuroshio axis south of Kyushu in relation to the large meander of the Kuroshio. Journal of Oceanography, 58, 487-503, 2002. [doi:10.1023/A:1021265315858]
NAGANO, A. and M. KAWABE: Volume transport and path variations of the Kuroshio (in Japanese). Kaiyo Monthly, Extra 31, 14-21, 2002.
KAWABE, M. and K. HANAWA: Japanese ocean observations on fixed lines (in Japanese). Kaiyo Monthly, 34(10), 673-679, 2002.
KAWABE, M.: Ocean observation system (in Japanese). Kaiyo Monthly, 34(9), 637-646, 2002.
YANAGIMOTO, D.: Real-time Ocean Observation by Autonomous Floats (in Japanese). Journal of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers,
105, 1000, 164-165, 2002. [CiNii]KAWABE, M.: Monitoring of ocean currents using sea level change etc (in Japanese). Kaiyo Monthly, 34(1), 17-22, 2002.
TAIRA, K.: Monitoring of ocean currents in East China Sea and Japan Sea (in Japanese). Kaiyo Monthly, 34(1), 9-16, 2002.
TAIRA, K.: Studies on monitoring of ocean environment for ocean forecasting (in Japanese). Kaiyo Monthly, 34(1), 3-8, 2002.
KAWABE, M.: Interannual variations of sea level at the Nansei Islands and volume transport of the Kuroshio due to wind changes. Journal of Oceanography, 57, 189-205, 2001. [doi:10.1023/A:1011195224933]
KAWABE, M.: The real face of the Kuroshio watched scientifically (in Japanese). Proceedings of Oceangraphic New Technology, Japan Hydrographic Association, 14, 1-9, 2001.
IMAWAKI, S., W. ZENK, S. WIJFFLES, D. ROEMMICH and M. KAWABE: Oceanic Boundary Current. In: Observing the Oceans in the 21st Century, GODAE Project Office and Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourn, 285-306, 2001.
SEND, U., R. WELLER, S. CUNNINGHAM, C. ERIKSEN, T. DICKEY, M. KAWABE, R. LUKAS, M. McCARTNEY and S. OSTERHUS: Oceanographic Timeseries Observations. In: Observing the Oceans in the 21st Century, GODAE Project Office and Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourn, 376-390, 2001.
IMASATO, N., T. KOBAYASHI and S. FUJIO: Study of water motion at the dissolved oxygen minimum layer and local oxygen consumption rate from the Lagrangian viewpoint. Journal of Oceanography, 56, 361-377, 2000. [doi:10.1023/A:1011116020348]
FUJIO, S., D. YANAGIMOTO and K. TAIRA: Deep current structure above the Izu-Ogasawara Trench. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, 6377-6386, 2000. [doi:]
KAWABE, M.: Calculation of Interannual Variations of Sea Level in the Subtropical North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography, 56, 691-706, 2000. [doi:10.1023/A:1011129801210]
NAGANO, A. and M. KAWABE: Properties of Intra-annual Sea Level Variations South of Japan – Its Relation to the Kuroshio Path Variations. EOS Transactions AGU, 2000 Fall Meeting, 81, F668.
YANAGIMOTO, D. and K. TAIRA: Pop-up float measurements of currents and temperature in the Sea of Japan. Proceedings of the 11th JSPS Joint Seminar on Marine
Science, 190-206, 2000.