The members as of the publication are underlined.
= paper;
= report;
= proceeding;
= explanation;
= book.
KISHI, M. J., and S. FUJIO: Estimation of spawning area of the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica, by numerical experiment (in Japanese with English abstract). Umi no Kenkyu, 8, 129-134, 1999. [doi:10.5928/kaiyou.8.129]
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KAWABE, M. and K. TAIRA: Water masses and properties at 165E in the western Pacific. J. Geophys. Res., 103, 12941-12958, 1998. [doi:10.1029/97JC03197]
YANAGIMOTO, D. and K. TAIRA: SOFAR float (in Japanese). TECHNO MARINE, Bulletin of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 823, 48-52, 1998. [doi:10.14856/technom.823.0_48]
TAIRA, K.: Expectations for ocean engineering: A message from an oceanographic community. J. Mar. Sci. Tech., 2, 213-218, 1997. [doi:10.1007/BF02491528]
KAWABE, Mi. and M. KAWABE: Temporal and spatial characteristics of chemical oxygen demand in Tokyo Bay. J. Oceanogr., 53, 19-26, 1997. [doi:10.1007/BF02700745]
KAWABE, Mi. and M. KAWABE: Factors determining chemical oxygen demand in Tokyo Bay. J. Oceanogr., 53, 443-453, 1997.
KAWABE, M.: Ocean circulation study — Development towards the 21st century
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KAWABE, M.: Model study of flow conditions causing the large meander of the Kuroshio south of Japan. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 26, 2449-2461, 1996. [doi:10.1175/1520-0485(1996)026%3C2449:MSOFCC%3E2.0.CO;2]
YAMASHIRO, T. and M. KAWABE: Monitoring of position of the Kuroshio axis in the Tokara Strait using sea level data. J. Oceanogr., 52, 675-687, 1996. [doi:10.1007/BF02239459]
AWAJI, T., N. IMASATO, K. AKITOMO, and S. FUJIO: Particle dispersion and dispersion coefficient in a global ocean derived from a robust diagnostic model (in Japanese with English abstract). Umi to Sora, 71, 4, 115-127, 1996. [CiNii]
IMASATO, N., T. KOBAYASHI, K. NAKAMURA, and S. FUJIO: Water movement and dissolved oxygen distribution in the Pacific Ocean (in Japanese). Kaiyo Monthly, Extra 11, 167-173, 1996.
KAWABE, M.: Variations of current path, velocity, and volume transport of the Kuroshio in relation with the large meander. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 25, 3103-3117, 1995. [doi:10.1175/1520-0485(1995)025%3C3103:VOCPVA%3E2.0.CO;2]
KAWABE, M. and K. TAIRA: Flow distribution at 165E in the Pacific Ocean. In: Biogeochemical Processes and Ocean Flux in the Western Pacific, eds. H. Sakai and Y. Nozaki, Terra Scientific Publishing Company (TERRAPUB), 629-649, 1995.
KAWABE M.: The Kuroshio (in Japanese). In: Marine Physics — micro structure to general circulation, Kaiyo Monthly, Extra 6, 135-139, 1994.
KAWABE M.: Mechanisms of interannual variations of equatorial sea level associated with El Nino. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 24, 979-993, 1994. [doi:10.1175/1520-0485(1994)024%3C0979:MOIVOE%3E2.0.CO;2]
FUJIO, S. and M. KUBOTA: Modeling of the deep circulation (in Japanese). Kaiyo Monthly, Extra 4, 29-35, 1993.
IMASATO, N., H. NAGASHIMA, H. TAKEOKA, and S. FUJIO: Diagnostic approaches on deep ocean circulation. In: Deep Ocean Circulation, Physical and Chemical Aspects, Elsevier Oceanography Series 59, 307-331, 1993.
KAWABE, M.: Sea-level variations due to equatorial Rossby waves associated with El Nino. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 23, 1809-1822, 1993. [doi:10.1175/1520-0485(1993)023<1809:SLVDTE>2.0.CO;2]
KAWABE, M.: Deep water properties and circulation in the western North Pacific. In: Deep Ocean Circulation, Physical and Chemical Aspects, Elsevier Oceanography Series 59, 17-37, 1993.
KAWABE, M.: Calibration method for high-quality CTD data (in Japanese). Kaiyo Monthly, Extra 4, 123-130, 1993.
TAIRA, K.: Ocean mixed layer experiment and R/V Hakuho Maru Cruise with Prof. Tomio ASAI. Kaiyo Monthly, 5, 188-192, 1993.
TAIRA, K., S. KITAGAWA, H. OTOBE, and T. ASAI: Observation of temperature and velocity from a surface buoy moored in the Shikoku Basin (OMLET-89) — An oceanic response to a typhoon –. J. Oceanogr., 49, 397-406, 1993. [doi:10.1007/BF02234956]
TAIRA, K. and D. YANAGIMOTO: Deep circulation in the Shikoku Basin measured with the SOFAR floats. In: Deep Ocean Circulation, Physical and Chemical Aspects, Elsevier Oceanography Series 59, 69-80, 1993.
TAKEUCHI, T. and K. TAIRA: Development of multi-paths inverted echo sounder. In: Deep Ocean Circulation, Physical and Chemical Aspects, Elsevier Oceanography Series 59, 375-382, 1993.
TAKEUCHI, T., K. OGURA, K. TAIRA, S. KITAGAWA, and Y. NAGAI: Fundamental study of a pop-up float for ocean measurements using an electro-chemical engine (in Japanese). Trans. IEE Japan, 113-B, 674-681, 1993. [doi:10.1541/ieejpes1990.113.6_674]
TAKEUCHI, T., A. KUBO, Y. NAGAI, K. TAIRA, and S. KITAGAWA: Acoustical method for measurement of mean ocean volume flow (in Japanese). J. Acoust. Soc., 49, 543-550, 1993. [doi:10.20697/jasj.49.8_543]
UEHARA, K., K. TAIRA, and A. MASUDA: Density field along 12 and 13 N in the Philippine Sea. In: Deep Ocean Circulation, Physical and Chemical Aspects, Elsevier Oceanography Series 59, 39-47, 1993.
YANG, S.-K., Y. NAGATA, K. TAIRA, and M. KAWABE: Southward intrusion of the intermediate Oyashio water along the east coast of the Boso Peninsula. I. Coastal salinity-minimum-layer water off the Boso Peninsula. J. Oceanogr., 49, 89-114, 1993. [doi:10.1007/BF02234011]
YANG, S.-K., Y. NAGATA, K. TAIRA, and M. KAWABE: Southward intrusion of the intermediate Oyashio water along the east coast of the Boso Peninsula. I. Intrusion events into Sagami Bay. J.Oceanogr., 49, 173-191, 1993. [doi:10.1007/BF02237287]
FUJIO, S., T. KADOWAKI, and N. IMASATO: World ocean circulation diagnostically derived from hydrographic and wind stress fields. 1. The velocity field. J. Geophys. Res., 97, 11163-11176, 1992. []
FUJIO, S., T. KADOWAKI, and N. IMASATO: World ocean circulation diagnostically derived from hydrographic and wind stress fields. 2. The water movement. J. Geophys. Res., 97, 14439-14452, 1992. [doi:]
OTOBE, H., K. TAIRA, and T. ASAI: Seasonal variation of the surface mixed layer in the subtropical re-circulation area of the North Pacific during OMLET. PORSEC ’92 in Okinawa, Conference for Pacific Ocean Environments and Probing, Proceedings, 1, 171-176, 1992.
TAKEUCHI, T., K. TAIRA, and H. MOCHIDUKI: Ocean circulation inferred by acoustics (in Japanese). Nihon Buturi Gakkaishi, 47, 539-546, 1992. [doi:10.11316/butsuri1946.47.539]
TAKEUCHI, T. and K. TAIRA: Measurement of the surface layer current averaged vertically using multi-paths inverted echo sounder. PORSEC ’92 in Okinawa, Conference for Pacific Ocean Environments and Probing, Proceedings, 1, 120-125, 1992.
YANAGIMOTO, D., K. TAIRA, and S. KITAGAWA: The Lagrangian Variability of the Circulation in the Shikoku Basin South of Japan. EOS Transactions AGU, 1992 Fall Meeting, 73, No.43, Suppl., 297, 1992.
YANAGIMOTO, D., K. TAIRA, and S. KITAGAWA: SOFAR float tracking in the Shikoku Basin. PORSEC ’92 in Okinawa, Conference for Pacific Ocean Environments
and Probing, Proceedings, 1, 521-526, 1992.
FUJIO, S. and N. IMASATO: Diagnostic calculation for circulation and water mass movement in the deep Pacific. J. Geophys. Res., 96, 759-774. [doi:]
KAWABE, M.: Sea level — useful data for study of oceanographic variations. Papers presented at the Joint IOC/W Seminar on IGOSS Products, 273-281, 1991.
TAIRA, K.: A project for monitoring ocean circulation in the Northern Pacific. Global Environmental Forum — Monitoring and Action for the Earth –. The United Nations Univ., 57-61, 1991.
TAIRA, K.: Direct measurement of deep circulation south of Japan. Papers presented at the Joint IOC/W Seminar on IGOSS Products, 217-237, 1991.
TOBA, Y., H. KAWAMURA, K. HANAWA, H. OTOBE, and K. TAIRA: Outbreak of warm water from the Kuroshio south of Japan — A combined analysis of satellite and OMLET Oceanographic data –. J. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan, 47, 297-330, 1991. [doi:10.1007/BF02310098]
KAWABE, M.: A steady model of typical non-large meander paths of the Kuroshio current. J. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan, 46, 55-67, 1990. [doi:10.1007/BF02310098]
KAWABE, M.: Sea level variations (in Japanese). In: Coastal Oceanography of Japanese Islands. Suppl. vol., Tokai Univ. Press, 1, 158-164, 1990.
OTOBE, H., K. TAIRA, S. KITAGAWA, and T. ASAI: Observation of ocean mixed layer with a moored buoy on an abyssal plain in Shikoku Basin — OMLET ’89 — (in Japanese). Kaiyo Monthly, Extra 3, 95-99, 1990.
TAIRA, K., S. KITAGAWA, K. UEHARA, H. ICHIKAWA, H. HACHIYA, and T. TERAMOTO: Direct measurements of mid-depth circulation in the Shikoku Basin by SOFAR floats. J. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan, 46, 296-306, 1990. [doi:10.1007/BF02123504]
UEHARA, K., and K. TAIRA: Deep hydrographic structure along 12 N and 13 N in the Philippine Sea. J. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan, 46, 167-176, 1990. [doi:10.1007/BF02125577]