ICCP-GSRA: International Core-to-Core Project on Global Storm Resolving Analysis

What's New on Related Activities

12-16 May 2025:
Global Hackathon 2025, Tokyo Node
12-16 May 2025:
Digital Earths – Hack-a-Palooza: a global hackathon of Storm Resolving Models
19 Dec. 2024:
Sendai Protocol paper published: Takasuka et al. (2024)
24 Oct. 2024:
The Mini-Workshop on Normal Modes, contributed to ICCP-GSRA
28 Jul. 2024:
DYAMOND One-year Experiment web page open
17 - 19 Jun. 2024:
Workshop on Global Storm-Resolving Analysis Bridging Atmospheric and Cloud Dynamics
14-15 Mar. 2024:
AORI 2023, 17th Virtual Laboratory Lecture on Global Storm-Resolving Analysis and VL Simposium
22-22 Feb. 2024:
NICAM Developer Meeting 2023 (NDM23)
5-7 Feb. 2024:
New York ICCP-GSRA Meeting on Tropical Cyclones and Global Storm-Resolving Analysis
10 Sep. - 22 Sep. 2023:
The 2023 NCAS Climate Modelling Summer School
31 Aug. - 2 Sep. 2023:
The 6th International Workshop on Nonhydrostatic Models
3-7 Jul. 2023:
The Berlin Summit
29 May - 2 Jun. 2023:
The nextGEMS Cycle 3 Hackathon, Madrid
11 - 12 May 2023:
Global Storm-Resolving Modeling Mini Workshop (Yamanaka mini-workshop 2023)
29 - 30 Mar. 2023:
ICCP-GCRA core meeting, March, March 2023
27 - 29 Mar. 2023:
ICCP-GSRA Workshop 2023, jointly with the 2nd EarthCARE Modeling Workshop for improving cloud, convection and radiation of global models
25 Jan. 2023:
EU-Japan virtual Workshop on High Performance Computing
8 - 9 Dec. 2022:
WarmWorld Kick Off Meeting
5 - 6 Dec. 2022:
Japan-Germany meeting (MPI-M)
17 - 18 Oct. 2022:
A symposium in honor of Professor Akio Arakawa, Modeling Convection, Clouds and Climate Systems, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA; Japan-US meeting
3 - 7 Oct. 2022:
Modelling the Climate System at Ultra-High Resolution Workshop, Boulder, USA; Japan-US-UK meeting
Aug. 2022:
Call for papers to "Special Edition on Research on the Frontier of Atmospheric Science with High Performance Computing", Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan
25 July - 29 July 2022:
3rd Pan-GASS Meeting Understanding and Modeling Atmospheric Processes, Monterey, CA, USA
19 July - 22 July 2022:
CFMIP 2022 Meeting on Clouds, Precipitation, Circulation, and Climate Sensitivity, Seattle, Washington, USA
29 June - 1 July 2022:
The Cycle 2 Hackathon; Japan-Germany-UK meeting
27 July - 28 July 2022:
Japan-Germany meeting (MPI-M)
20 June - 24 June 2022:
Japan-UK meeting (Reading Univ.)
1 April 2022:


Project ICCP-GSRA:

This project is supported by JSPS Core-to-Core Program.