ICCP-GSRA: International Core-to-Core Project on Global Storm Resolving Analysis
What's New on Related Activities
- 12-16 May 2025:
- Global Hackathon 2025, Tokyo Node
- 12-16 May 2025:
- Digital Earths – Hack-a-Palooza: a global hackathon of Storm Resolving Models
- 19 Dec. 2024:
- Sendai Protocol paper published: Takasuka et al. (2024)
- 24 Oct. 2024:
- The Mini-Workshop on Normal Modes, contributed to ICCP-GSRA
- 28 Jul. 2024:
- DYAMOND One-year Experiment web page open
- 17 - 19 Jun. 2024:
- Workshop on Global Storm-Resolving Analysis Bridging Atmospheric and Cloud Dynamics
- 14-15 Mar. 2024:
- AORI 2023, 17th Virtual Laboratory Lecture on Global Storm-Resolving Analysis and VL Simposium
- 22-22 Feb. 2024:
- NICAM Developer Meeting 2023 (NDM23)
- 5-7 Feb. 2024:
- New York ICCP-GSRA Meeting on Tropical Cyclones and Global Storm-Resolving Analysis
- 10 Sep. - 22 Sep. 2023:
- The 2023 NCAS Climate Modelling Summer School
- 31 Aug. - 2 Sep. 2023:
- The 6th International Workshop on Nonhydrostatic Models
- 3-7 Jul. 2023:
- The Berlin Summit
- 29 May - 2 Jun. 2023:
- The nextGEMS Cycle 3 Hackathon, Madrid
- 11 - 12 May 2023:
- Global Storm-Resolving Modeling Mini Workshop (Yamanaka mini-workshop 2023)
- 29 - 30 Mar. 2023:
- ICCP-GCRA core meeting, March, March 2023
- 27 - 29 Mar. 2023:
- ICCP-GSRA Workshop 2023, jointly with the 2nd EarthCARE Modeling Workshop for improving cloud, convection and radiation of global models
- 25 Jan. 2023:
- EU-Japan virtual Workshop on High Performance Computing
- 8 - 9 Dec. 2022:
- WarmWorld Kick Off Meeting
- 5 - 6 Dec. 2022:
- Japan-Germany meeting (MPI-M)
- 17 - 18 Oct. 2022:
- A symposium in honor of Professor Akio Arakawa, Modeling Convection, Clouds and Climate Systems, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA; Japan-US meeting
- 3 - 7 Oct. 2022:
- Modelling the Climate System at Ultra-High Resolution Workshop, Boulder, USA; Japan-US-UK meeting
- Aug. 2022:
- Call for papers to "Special Edition on Research on the Frontier of Atmospheric Science with High Performance Computing", Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan
- 25 July - 29 July 2022:
- 3rd Pan-GASS Meeting Understanding and Modeling Atmospheric Processes, Monterey, CA, USA
- 19 July - 22 July 2022:
- CFMIP 2022 Meeting on Clouds, Precipitation, Circulation, and Climate Sensitivity, Seattle, Washington, USA
- 29 June - 1 July 2022:
- The Cycle 2 Hackathon; Japan-Germany-UK meeting
- 27 July - 28 July 2022:
- Japan-Germany meeting (MPI-M)
- 20 June - 24 June 2022:
- Japan-UK meeting (Reading Univ.)
- 1 April 2022:
- ICCP-GSRA start
- The 2nd EarthCARE Modeling Workshop, March 27–29, 2023; CIC NEWSLETTER No. 21, 2023, Center for International Collaboration, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
- "A report of the 6th international workshop on non-hydrostatical model(NHM WS 2023)" by Sato, Y. et al. (Tenki, Feb. 2024)
佐藤陽祐, 稲津將, 南出将志, 柳瀬友朗, 近藤誠, 大塚成徳, 吉田龍二, 佐藤拓人, 宮本佳明, 藤原泰, 末木健太, 高須賀大輔, 伊藤純至, 橋本明弘, 八代尚 (2024) 第6 回非静力学モデルに関する国際ワークショップ(第25回非静力学モデルに関するワークショップ)の報告, 天気, 2024年2月号. -
“New York ICCP-GSRA Meeting on Tropical Cyclones and Global Storm-Resolving Analysis”Held (2024.02.14)
[Japanese version] “New York ICCP-GSRA Meeting on Tropical Cyclones and Global Storm-Resolving Analysis 開催報告” (2024.02.14) - The EarthCARE and Modeling Workshop,February 16–18, 2022; CIC News Letter, No.20 2022, Center for International Collaboration, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Project ICCP-GSRA: