(Last updated: December 25, 2012)
Large-Eddy-Simulation Package
Authors: Dr. Mikio Nakanishi [nakanishi.mikio(at)jwa.or.jp] and Prof. Hiroshi Niino
(A timely response may not be necessarily guaranteed.)
- Fortran code (version 1.0, November 2012): les_ver1.tgz
- Fortran code (provisional version, September 2008): les_for_es.tgz
- Note: Whenever you use this code, please quote either of the references below.
- Nakanishi, M. and H. Niino, 2012: Large-eddy simulation of roll vortices in a hurricane boundary layer. J. Atmos. Sci., 69, 3558-3575.
- Nakanishi, M., 2000: Large-eddy simulation of radiation fog. Boundary-Layer Meteor., 94, 461-493.
- 2012-11-14 * Added a POD (Proper Orthogonal Decomposition) software. The POD software needs Intel MKL (LAPACK).
- 2008-09-01 * Fixed a bug for Sullivan's scheme (sgs.f).
- 2005-10-01 * Added an input module of observations and considered the vertical distribution of the geostrophic wind.
- 2005-07-01 * Announced release of les_for_es (old version).
- This work was supported by Research Revolution 2002 (RR2002) of Project for Sustainable Coexistence of Human, Nature and the Earth of the MEXT of the Japanese Government.
- The FFT package for solving the Poisson equation was provided by the Japan Meteorological Agency.
A simulation of Day 33 of the Wangara experiment
Fig. 1. Horizontal distributions of w (contour) and theta' (=theta-<theta>; color).
Fig. 2. Vertical distributions of (u,w; arrow), theta (contour), and theta' (color).
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