Workshop on Global Storm-Resolving Analysis Bridging Atmospheric and Cloud Dynamics

Contribution to ICCP-GSRA in 2024


Dates June 17-19, 2024

Venue: The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko



Group photo, 19 June 2024


Earlier departures, 18 June 2024




Shuttle bus from Odawara Station to the hotel:

Departure from Odawara Station West Exit 11:45, 14:00, 16:10

Departure from hotel:  10:30, 13:00, 15:10


About 1-2 hours from Haneda Airport to Odawara Station by train.

About 2-3 hours from Narita Airport to Odawara Station by train.

For example, from the Narita airport to the Odawara Station is [here].
From the Haneda airport to the Odawara Station is


      The route map from the Tokyo Station to the hotel is [here].              

      An example of finding a route map is [here].

      Izuhakone bus: timetable, routmap





This workshop aims to discuss the recent development of global storm-resolving model analyses that bridge new advancements in atmospheric and cloud dynamics. Global km-scale models of the atmosphere and remote sensing observations such as satellites and ground-based radars are beginning to reveal the global structure of mesoscale disturbances and turbulence. The collaborative studies between detailed observations and km-scale modeling on vertical motions of the atmosphere and cloud processes associated with meso-scale circulation, gravity waves, and turbulence and their roles in the atmospheric general circulation and the middle atmosphere have been active in recent years. The progress in atmospheric general circulation dynamics and dynamics for cloud, convection and precipitation systems, as well as future developments in these fields with global storm-resolving analysis, will be the discussion target in this workshop.

In particular, there has been a decades-long research effort in these fields at the University of Tokyo. This workshop will celebrate the progress made in related fields at The University of Tokyo, and look forward to future contributions to international research in these areas.

Experienced and emerging experts in the above fields will be invited internationally to this workshop for intensive discussions.


Key topics:

      Interrelationships between atmospheric and cloud dynamics and global storm-resolving analysis

      Current status and prospects of global storm-resolving models with the update on the progress and results of the DYAMOND project

      New aspects on general circulation dynamics/middle-atmosphere circulation together with gravity wave statistics with global storm-resolving analysis

      Prospects for integrated studies of cloud dynamics (clouds, convection, and precipitation) with global storm-resolving simulations

      Global view of meso-scale circulation and turbulence with detailed structure of vertical velocity


Discussions: Goals of the workshop

      To discuss the next directions for global storm-resolving analysis bridging atmospheric and cloud dynamics

      Write a position paper: will be lead by Masaki Satoh & Kaoru Sato, inviting all as co-authors,

      “Recent progress and future directions of global storm-resolving analysis bridging atmospheric and cloud dynamics”, to be submitted to BAMS or PEPS

    or a special issue of journal.

      Enhancement of activities of global storm-resolving analysis & EVE

Pan-Hackathon in May 2025?

Comprehensive intercomparison package of global storm-resolving models: GSRMIPs

      Future collaboration of GSRMs and observations

EarthCARE and ORCESTRA (field campaign in Atlantic, Sep-Oct 2024)

PANSY and atmospheric radars

Ground observation network, cloud radars and wind profilers

      Science of vertical motions of the atmosphere

Global view of meso-scale circulation and turbulence with detailed structure of vertical velocity

convective updrafts, convective mass flux, gravity waves, turbulence, STE mixing, cloud and precipitation sedimentation, isentropic motions, extreme precipitations, transports, PBL to free troposphere exchange, orographic waves (< 20km wavelength)



Expected participants:

Bjorn Stevens (MPI-M)

Pier Luigi Vidale (Reading University)

Bill Skamarock  (NCAR)

Hirofumi Tomita (RIKEN)

Peter Haynes (Cambridge University)

Volkmar Wirth (University of Mainz)

Kevin Hamilton (University of Hawaii)

Marco Giorgetta (MPI-M)

Masashi Kohma  (EPS, The University of Tokyo)

Chung-Hsiung Sui (National Taiwan University)

Johnny Luo (City College of New York)

Hirohiko Masunaga (Nagoya University)

Takanobu Yamaguchi (NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory)

Chien-Ming Wu (National Taiwan University)

Tomoroi Yanase (RIKEN)

Tomoe Nasuno (JAMSTEC)

Akira T. Noda (JAMSTEC)

Chihiro Kodama (JAMSTEC)

Masuo Nakano (JAMSTEC)

Seiki Tatsuya (JAMSTEC)

Yohei Yamada (JAMSTEC)

Hisashi Yashiro (NIES)

Kentaroh Suzuki (AORI, The University of Tokyo)

Tomoki Miyakawa (AORI, The University of Tokyo)

Kaoru Sato (EPS, The University of Tokyo)

Masaki Satoh (AORI, The University of Tokyo)


Koryu Yamamoto (AORI, The University of Tokyo)

Xu Chen (AORI, The University of Tokyo)

Hiroto Sekido  (EPS, The University of Tokyo)

Anzu Asumi  (EPS, The University of Tokyo)

Hikari Fukuda (AORI, The University of Tokyo)

Hiroshi Murata (AORI, The University of Tokyo)

Kohei Yamasaki (AORI, The University of Tokyo)

Aihisa Kamijo (AORI, The University of Tokyo)

Kazuki Kondo (AORI, The University of Tokyo)

Takahashi Kotaro (AORI, The University of Tokyo)

Yuki Maeda (AORI, The University of Tokyo)

Nakai Shunnosuke (AORI, The University of Tokyo)

Local organizers:

Tomoki Ohno (AORI, The University of Tokyo)

Daisuke Takasuka (Tohoku University)

Shuhei Matsugishi (AORI, The University of Tokyo)

Woosub Roh (AORI, The University of Tokyo)


Mile Stones

Oct. 2023     1st announcement

Dec. 2023    2nd circular

March 2024    registration and hotel reservation

May 2024 payment of the registration fee, hotel reservation confirmation

Presentation instruction

Each presentation has a 30 min slot (20 minutes of talk and 10 minutes of discussion).

or 20 min slot (15 minutes of talk and 5 minutes of discussion)

Poster board size: height 2100 mm times width 900 mm


For the oral presentation, please use your PC. The presentation time is either 20 min or 15 min, and additional time for discussion. For backup, please upload the presentation file to this folder.


For the poster presentation, please put your poster on the board in the meeting room "Sagami".

The poster can be displayed during the workshop.

The flush talk for the poster for about 1 min is scheduled for June 17.

Please upload the presentation file for the flush talk to this folder to save time.


Preceding with abstract


Dates June 17-19, 2024

Room Sagami


DAY1, June 17 (Mon), 2024

registration: 13:00-13:30



Workshop start 13:30


PM session 1: 13:30-17:00, Overview talks and historical reviews

Chair: Masaki Satoh & Bjorn Stevens


      13:30-14:00 Masaki Satoh: Introduction and welcome speech

& Historical background of NICAM development for studying atmospheric and cloud dynamics and perspectives on the future

      14:00-14:30 Chung-Hsiung Sui: A brief review of selected and my own studies of convection coupled tropical waves and intraseasonal oscillation

      14:30-15:00 Kevin Hamilton: Quasi-adiabatic, global-scale waves can provide diagnostics of atmospheric physical processes


15:00-15:15 break


      15:15-15:45 Bjorn Stevens: Coupled decadal simulations at near storm resolving scales

      15:45-16:15 Pier Luigi Vidale: Scale interactions originating at mesoscale-gamma in the atmosphere

      16:15-16:45 Hirofumi Tomita: Why should we upgrade the dynamic core now?


             16:45-17:00 break


Poster introductions: 17:00-17:15, each 1 min

Chair: Koryu Yamamoto


      P1: Xu Chen: A Case Study Based on NICAM: How Large-Scale Environments Influence Tropical Cyclone Genesis in the Western North Pacific in September 1959 and 2023

      P2: Hiroto Sekido: A study of zonal wavenunber 1 Rossby-gravity wave using long-term reanalysis data for the whole neutral atmosphere

      P3: Anzu Asumi: A study on the climatology of the Martian atmospheric general circulation and the role of unresolved waves using reanalysis data

      P4: Hikari Fukuda: Unraveling the Link Between Intense Precipitation and Low- Pressure Systems

      P5: Hiroshi Murata: Structure changes of intensifying tropical cyclones in idealized simulations

      P6: Kohei Yamasaki: Large eddy simulation of mixed-phase clouds with aerosol emission

      P7: Aihisa Kamijo: An Introduction to AI Weather Forecast Model

      P8: Yuki Maeda: Deep Learning for Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation (BSISO) Prediction and Explainability

      P9: Nakai Shunnosuke: Dependence on horizontal resolution of idealized simulations of quasi-stationary band-shaped precipitation systems

      P10: Kazuki Kondo: Internal ocean response to a tropical cyclone in NICOCO

      P11: Masaki Satoh: A Proposal for Intercomparison Experiments of Global Storm-resolving Models Bridging Atmospheric and Cloud Dynamics


17:15-18:30 poster viewing


18:30-20:30 reception: Hakone-en, Restaurant “Nanakamado


DAY2, June 18 (Tue), 2024


AM session 2: 8:30-11:50: Atmospheric dynamics and middle atmosphere

             Chair: Kaoru Sato & Volkmar Wirth


      8:30-9:00 Kaoru Sato: Interhemispheric Coupling in the Middle Atmosphere Revealed by High-resolution Observations and Modelling

      9:00-9:30 Peter Haynes: A simple model linking radiative-convective instability, convective aggregation and large-scale dynamics

      9:30-10:00 Marco Giorgetta and Henning Franke: Attempting a Direct Simulation of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation in the ICON model


10:00-10:30 break


      10:30-11:00 Volkmar Wirth: A novel atmospheric background state with potential relevance for the onset of blocking

      11:00-11:20 Koryu Yamamoto: How do diabatic processes affect the merger between PV cutoffs?: A case study over Europe in July 2021

      11:20-11:50 Tomoe Nasuno: Multiscale convective processes in the Asian monsoon domain: possible approach using global storm-resolving simulations


11:50-13:20 lunch & poster viewing


PM1 session 3: 13:20-15:20: Global storm-resolving models

             Chair: Daisuke Takasuka & Pier Luigi Vidale


      13:20-13:50 Bill Skamarock: Progress on the 1-Year DYAMOND Simulation using MPAS-Atmosphere

      13:50-14:20 Torsten Auerswald: High-resolution climate experiments with LFRic and the UM (talk by Pier Luigi Vidale)

      14:20-14:40 Chihiro Kodama: Challenges for km-scale 100yr-scale climate simulations

      14:40-15:10 Daisuke Takasuka: MJO simulated with a global kilometer-scale climate simulation: Implication for the cross-scale interaction

      15:10-15:30 Tomoki Miyakawa: The use of coupled gcrm in the S2S tiemscale prediction


15:30-15:45 break


PM2 session 4: 15:45-18:25: Cloud dynamics and climate

             Chair: Woosub Roh & Johnny Luo


      15:45-16:15 Johnny Luo: Integrating Satellite Observations with Simple Models for Understanding Convective Cloud Dynamics

      16:15-16:45 Tak Yamaguchi: Response of the cloud system in the Hadley circulation to aerosol-cloud interactions investigated with high resolution, idealized two-dimensional Hadley circulation simulations

      16:45-17:05 Tatsuya Seiki: Evaluation of the aggregation efficiency modeling at colder atmospheric temperatures in comparison to satellite observations


break 17:05-17:20


      17:20-17:50 Hirohiko Masunaga: Convective regime evolution toward a mid-heavy state

      17:50-18:20 Kentaro Suzuki: Use of NICAM and satellite observations for global studies of aerosols and clouds

      18:20-18:40 Woosub Roh: The Potential of EarthCARE for Global Storm-Resolving Models using a Satellite Simulator


19:00-21:00 banquet “Suruga”


DAY3, June 19 (Wed), 2024

AM session 5: 8:30-12:00: Cloud and convection, gravity waves

             Chair: Masashi Kohma & Tomoro Yanase


      8:30-8:50 Masuo Nakano: Seasonal typhoon forecasting by NICOCO

      8:50-9:10 Yohei Yamada: Evaluating performance of tropical cyclone genesis potential indices by using a large ensemble simulation

      9:10-9:40 Tomoro Yanase: Onset mechanism and spatial characteristics of high-level hierarchical structure of convective self-aggregation


9:40-10:00 break & poster viewing


      10:00-10:20 Akira T. Noda: Robustness of the relationship between tropical high-cloud cover and large-scale circulations

      10:20-10:50 Chien-Ming Wu: The Future Extreme Precipitation Systems of Orographically Locked Diurnal Convection: The Benefits of Using Large-Eddy Simulation Ensembles

      10:50-11:20 Masashi Kohma: Research of gravity waves and small-scale disturbances using the PANSY radar, Antarctic


11:20 group photo


11:30-13:00 lunch & poster viewing


PM session 6: 13:00-14:30: Cutting edge modeling and high-resolution analysis

             Chair Tomoki Ohno & Masaki Satoh


      13:00-13:30 Hisashi Yashiro: Development of a weather/climate model for Japan's new flagship machine following Fugaku

      13:30-13:50 Shuhei Matsugishi: Global simulations of the atmosphere with kilometer to a few hundred meters grid spacing (tentative)

      13:50-14:10 Tomoki Ohno: Impact of moist thermodynamics expressions on climatrogical temperature fields represented in a global cloud resolving model


14:10-14:40 Discussion & closing


15:10 Shuttle bus




Hakone tour to the Owakudani-Gora area (optional)

You may freely join the tour.




Supported by ICCP-GSRA: International Core-to-Core Project on Global Storm Resolving Analysis